I haven’t had much to post about in a while. As usual, I haven’t had the time or motivation to work on anything new. However, I did manage to churn out a prototype of a board that combines the memory and SCSI expansion for the EPS16. Without further ado:

It’s in the testing stages right now. I don’t have a price set for it or when it will be available. So far I haven’t run into any issues. It uses two 256kx16 memory IC’s to save space. Also, I used active SCSI termination, the same as the ASR-10 SCSI board.
I did find out I had a batch of defective SCSI controllers which kept giving “file operation error” messages. A bit of background: the 33C93 SCSI controller was originally manufactured by Western Digital. It went through eight revisions, and the last one is what the AMD version is based on. Revisions earlier than this caused problems. I suspect that I got some re-packaged examples of these. Counterfeit IC’s are fairly common, unfortunately.
It’s so great you’re able to put these on the market! I’ve purchased one of your SCSI cards for my 16+ already and I’ve got another one one the way from sampler zone for my EPS Classic.
Is there any chance you could remake some more of the old flash banks? I think a great use case for them is to house the OS and Waveboy effects. If you could strike a deal with samplerzone to sell these with OS and Waveboy pre-installed for EPS16+ I’d totally pick one up.
I still have the Flash Banks in stock.